Thursday, November 23, 2006

New "baby" and Rain

Went and got my new mp3 player during lunch. Creative was having an offer on the Zen Neeon and it was really a steal. They were selling the 6GB version for only S$149 (usually S$339) which means you're getting more than 50% discount!!! It's the same as my recently "deceased" Neeon except it's 6GB instead of 5GB. This time round I opted to take the purple one - I had grey before. Here's how it looks.

I also picked up a copy of Rain's 4th Korean album "Rain's World" hehehe it came with a free double sided poster. This is the album cover, which happens to be one side of the poster.

This is the other side...

If I put this poster up in my room, I'd probably put this side up.

He's coming to Singapore but his tickets are really expensive so I'll give it a miss. Which I could go though cos I've seen some clips of it and it's really good but oh well, I'll just watch the clips of it in the comfort of my own need to deal with screaming crazy fans (if I went I'd be screaming but not to the point where I would be doing more screaming and "swooning" that I don't actually see the concert and enjoy the songs hahahaha)


Errmmm...why is he staring to his right?? Or rather, my left??? Can't see his face at all!! So till now I still not sure how this dude looks like....

btw, did you get your cut yet??

got my cut...check out the new blog entry...will post a much better picture of my "oppa" which loosely means older brother (for a female) in Korean but also that's how ladies in Korea tend to call their boyfriends...but he's also known as my Korean cabana pool boy hahahaha...have a couple of different cabana pool boys...let me know if you want a post about them hahahaha


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The Venter

Chinese/English female residing in sunny
Singapore with family and friends from all
walks of life, trying to make the most of
her life and have fun doing it

Known by many a name... Sandra or San
to most, Kanela to a few, and MeiBao
to others

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My Asian Entertainment blog

blog buddies

Corinna - Rantings From A Solitary Reverie
Sharon - Welcome to My World
Howard - This and that for the here and now
Trista - Dream World

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Dying and Cutting...
In Memory of...
Yes I am still alive...
Been on a blog hiatus
Bangkok Trip Day 3
Bangkok Trip Day 2
Bangkok Trip Day 1
Blogger on Vacation
Interesting Emails - new jeans in Japan
Busy Sunday

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