Sunday, September 03, 2006

Busy Sunday

Well got up at 9 am, did my laundry, watched a little bit of the Survivor rerun (Vanuatu), got ready for church. Met Bea at the train station near my place at 10.30 am and then we went across the street to meet my dad and headed over to church. It was the first time for Bea, her mom's a recent convert to christianity and thought Bea might like it too - which she did :) Terena joined us in church a little later (at about 11.20 am - late as usual).

You see we attend the 11 am church service which usually consists of 30 mins of praise and worship (us singing a bunch of songs with the singers & the band and watiching the dances - yup we have them too), after that it's annoucements, collection and once a month Holy Communion, and then at about 11.45 our senior pastor starts his sermon. I enjoy the sermons he gives because he tends to put in context of everyday life and how things apply to present time, plus he adds a little humour now and then - definately not snoozeville. In case you didn't know, I go to an evangalistic church called Lighthouse Evangalism. My dad enjoys going with me every Sunday. He even goes on the Sundays where I don't go to church (for one reason or another). Won't be going to church next Sunday cos I'll be in Bangkok for my firm trip.

After church, Bea and I headed over to JB. Bea needed to get an extension in her passport (she's currently on a visitors' pass cos she doesn't have a work permit). Seeing as we were there we decided to do a spot of shopping hehehe We were both trying to get a cheap pair of canvas sneakers. I'd seen a pair at a shop by my place going for S$20 and we thought we might be able to get something cheaper over there. After much searching managed to get a pair of North Star ones for RM$30 which is like S$13 hahahaha.

We also saw a Compaq laptop going for RM1999 which works out to be like S$900!!! Will definately head over there to get my next laptop hahahaha.

We were there for a couple of hours before heading on home for dinner...

and that was how I spent my Sunday, how about you?

VENTELATIONS:'s things?? Been shopping at JB I see! eheheh...Should have waited till the Bangkok trip...who knows...:) Have fun there!


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The Venter

Chinese/English female residing in sunny
Singapore with family and friends from all
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Known by many a name... Sandra or San
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