Bangkok Trip Day 2
Another eventful day in Bangkok
- JJJS woke up at like 7 am, headed down for breakfast
- We took the train up to Chatuchak Weekend Market. If you've never been, this market is huge and has all sorts of stuff from clothes, pets to household stuff. If you're worried about how would you ever bring all the stuff back - never fear, located within the market are a few courier services like TNT and DHL who will help you to pack your bulky stuff and ship it off for - sorry don't know what their rates are but it's a pretty handy thing to know.
- We split into 2 groups (Judy/Jean and Julie/San)and went our separate shopping ways. The main reason for the split is that Julie and I tend to shop and a way faster pace then the other two and we actually managed to cover 3 sections of the market (I think there's like 6 - 8 sections). I managed to get for myself a nice casual handbag (THB180 = S$7.20), a cute doggie mug (THB80 = S$3.20), a piggie pillow (THB160 = S$6.40) and some gifts for people. I got Terena a couple of shell necklaces cos her birthday's coming up (THB199 = S$8), got Bea a teak wood statue of a dolphin (THB80 = S$3.20), and Julie and I split some gifts for colleagues who didn't come on the trip.
- We only stayed there for about 2 hours and then headed back to the hotel to drop off our shopping
- After a short rest we headed over to Chinatown, which also happens to be the place where you can get a lot of stuff at wholesale prices
- JJJ bought some pork floss stuff while we were there (apparently it's really nice and cheap) while I bought some stationary stuff for my sis. She wanted some small stuff to put into kiddie goodie bags that she gives out during Hari Raya
- We were only in Chinatown for about 2 hrs, and once we were done we headed back to the hotel
- As we hadn't had lunch, we decided to have a late lunch, early dinner at the hotel so we ordered some room service which was pretty reasonably priced. I ordered a chicken fried rice for THB300 (S$12)
- After having our "lunner" (combo lunch and dinner), we took a short rest and then headed out again, this time to MBK again.
- Once we got to MBK we split again and wandered around doing some shopping. This time round I got myself a pair of shoes (THB199 = S$8), a tote bag (THB199 = S$8)and some food stuff for my mom
- Julie and I were pretty much done with shopping so we decided to take a break at the Starbucks while waiting for Judy and Jean
- Once we were all done we headed on back to the hotel and started to pack so that we didn't have to rush the next day
Bangkok Trip Day 1
It's that time again when my firm goes for its annual trip - this year it's Bangkok, Thailand. Yup Bangkok again - 4 out of the 6 trips we've had have been to Bangkok! But it's ok by me cos hey I'm getting a free holiday - free airfare, free accommodation at a 5 or 6 star hotel for 3 days 2 nights, 2 free breakfasts and one free dinner! All I had to cover was my shopping money and some food money - no problem cos things are cheap in Bangkok if you know where to go that is.
Here's what I did in point form:-
- Left Singapore at 8:45 am on Singapore Airlines flight SQ60
- Arrived in Bangkok at 10.10 am
- Took the coach to the airport
- Checked into the hotel - Nai Lert Park Hotel Room 371
- Waited for Julie's sister and niece who were coming up on a budget airline
- They finally arrived so we headed off to MBK shopping mall
- Shopped - got some pants for my bro-in-law, nephew and me, got a backpack for myself too and some delicious donuts from Mister Donut
- Left MBK with Julie at about 6 pm cos we had to get ready for our dinner and dance, her sis, Judy and niece, Jean, continued shopping
- Theme for the D&D was "Retrophilia" so I borrowed one of my sister's punjab tops, wore it with my slightly flared boot cut jeans, a pair of flip flops and a peace sign round my neck and volia I'm a hippy chick lol
- Dinner was Thai cuisine but thankfully most of the dishes were not hot or spicy so I had food to eat. Was pretty good too.
- There was a lucky draw (only 20 prizes) but lady luck was not on my side. I was "targetting" the 1st and 3rd prize which was a 21 inch LCD plasma tv and S$700 travel vouchers with a free 1 night stay at Nai Lert Park Hotel, Bangkok respectively.
- Every year the newly qualified lawyers will put on some sort of skit or dance and song routine, this year they were a bit more creative. They did some spoofs of movies and commercials and had a sort of game show of sorts with prizes. The spoofs were really good and the two hosts were equally funny especially seeing as one of them was slightly drunk and didn't recognise some of the partners who ran up to win prizes lol
- Dinner ended at about 10.00 pm.
- Julie, Judy, Jean and I (hereafter known as "JJJS" headed over to the night market which closed at midnight. Didn't see anything worth buying so we headed back to the hotel.
Blogger on Vacation

Leaving for my firm trip early tomorrow here I come!!!
Interesting Emails - new jeans in Japan
Every now and then I get some interesting or funny emails and I thought I'd start sharing them...
Here's the latest on a new style of jeans in Japan

Built-in underwear!!! Can't be all that comfortable especially in summer. Trust the Japanese
Busy Sunday
Well got up at 9 am, did my laundry, watched a little bit of the Survivor rerun (Vanuatu), got ready for church. Met Bea at the train station near my place at 10.30 am and then we went across the street to meet my dad and headed over to church. It was the first time for Bea, her mom's a recent convert to christianity and thought Bea might like it too - which she did :) Terena joined us in church a little later (at about 11.20 am - late as usual).
You see we attend the 11 am church service which usually consists of 30 mins of praise and worship (us singing a bunch of songs with the singers & the band and watiching the dances - yup we have them too), after that it's annoucements, collection and once a month Holy Communion, and then at about 11.45 our senior pastor starts his sermon. I enjoy the sermons he gives because he tends to put in context of everyday life and how things apply to present time, plus he adds a little humour now and then - definately not snoozeville. In case you didn't know, I go to an evangalistic church called Lighthouse Evangalism. My dad enjoys going with me every Sunday. He even goes on the Sundays where I don't go to church (for one reason or another). Won't be going to church next Sunday cos I'll be in Bangkok for my firm trip.
After church, Bea and I headed over to JB. Bea needed to get an extension in her passport (she's currently on a visitors' pass cos she doesn't have a work permit). Seeing as we were there we decided to do a spot of shopping hehehe We were both trying to get a cheap pair of canvas sneakers. I'd seen a pair at a shop by my place going for S$20 and we thought we might be able to get something cheaper over there. After much searching managed to get a pair of North Star ones for RM$30 which is like S$13 hahahaha.
We also saw a Compaq laptop going for RM1999 which works out to be like S$900!!! Will definately head over there to get my next laptop hahahaha.
We were there for a couple of hours before heading on home for dinner...
and that was how I spent my Sunday, how about you?
lazy Saturday
Basically did nothing except goof around on the pc uploading some stuff or at least trying to upload some stuff, watch dvds and tv.
Hooray for Friday
Well work was work - so what else is new?
Managed to leave at 6 on the dot. Met up with Bea after work. She was in town for some interviews so decided to wait for me to get off work. While waiting for me she had called up one ad in the papers and they were still conducting interviews till like 10 pm so she wanted to go and check it out. The pub was over near Lavender MRT so we headed over there and tried to find the place. We eventually did but in the end she didn't go for the interview cos the place had "Ah Beng/Ah Lian" karaoke pub feel to it so we ended up going to Orchard for dinner. We went to a place at Far East Plaza for dinner and then walked around to do a spot of shopping. I needed to find a peace sign necklace for my dinner & dance that's on during my trip to Bangkok which is next weekend. Managed to get it at a shop I used to go to when I was a pre-teen. Amazingly enough the owner is still the same (I swear the man has not aged one bit!!!) and he even remembered me! Managed to get the peace sign for like S$5 will is not bad considering some other places were charging like S$16 for smaller versions.
The theme for the D&D is "Retrophilia" so I've decided to go as a hippie. I figured it was the easiest cos all I had to do was wear flare jeans (I'll just use my boot cut ones lol), one of those like cotton punjab/indian shirts (borrowed one from my sis - it's light blue and majorily oversized for me, the bottom almost reaches my knees hahaha - perfect), my flip flops and the peace sign necklace will sort of complete the outfit. Gonna try and get some pink tinted John Lennon shades if I can and then I'll just go "peace love and happiness" to everyone hahahaha
After that we headed on home where I watched the "Ghost Whisperer" and whatever else I could find on tv or dvd.