Monday, January 09, 2006

Meme----> You're what you eat

aaggghhh I've been tagged...Cor how could you??? Ok have to think about this because anyone who knows me, knows I little pretty simple need for sauces hahaha

1. Veggies
Given that I like a whole of veggies I thought I'd group them peas, mushrooms, cabbage, corn, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts and the list goes on...I think the only veggies I don't really like are like beets and bitter gourd hahaha.

2. Beef
Loved in most forms hahaha eg hamburgers, Korean BBQ, in pasta, as steak, etc. I think the main reason why I love beef is cos I don't really get to eat it all that much at home given that my mom doesn't eat beef and the supermarket near my place doesn't sell it, kind of have to go over to the next place to get it.

3. Pasta
Love pasta, love pasta, love pasta....give me angel hair, fettucine, ravioli, spaghetti, you name it I love it.

4. Tofu
Love this in the traditional asian way, as a dish like tofu with veggies or in soup or agadeshi hehehe not into tofu burgers though I do like some veggitarian dishes that are made with tofu

Well this is a no-brainer right? Don't most people love chicken...or ignore the veggetarians and their chants hahahaha

6. Milo/Hot Chocolate
In case you don't know what Milo is, it's like Ovalatine and in case you don't know that it's kind of like hot chocolate but they call it a food drink hahahaha. Great for fending off the mid morning hunger pangs in a freezing office like mine!

7. Peaches
Love canned peaches but for some unknown reason when I see a fresh peach I'm not interested hahahaha maybe it's the syrup

8. Bread
This woman can leave on bread alone hahaha given me a loaf of bread, some margarine or butter and a jar of peanut butter and I'm set! Love all kinds of bread, either as a bun with some kind of filling (of course what filling makes a world of difference) or just one it's own with a cup of soup.

9. Chocolate
Though I don't love it as much as I used to, I still love it all the same hahahah, fave type of chocolate would have to be Snickers!!!

10. Cheesecake
I'm actually surprised cos I almost forgot about this, chocolate reminded me cheesecake of course you have to see which type but pretty much love most kinds of cheesecakes.

Ok well that pretty much does it, not sure what it tells you about me though hahahaha...looks pretty balanced diet wise don't ya think? hahahahaha

Now to tag someone....k Sharon you're it!


DARN!! Forgot about cheesecake!! How could I!?!?!?!?!? Ok....I was only limited to 10!! hehehehe... anyway how are you these days?? Haven't heard from you for a while...either than the fact that you've been in a asian movie stupor!! :D Finally, discovering your "asian" side????? heehhe...

buzzbuzz, the answer to your question calls for an entry hahaha


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