An age and a day...
Sorry, I know it's been an age and a day since my last update but well I've been keeping myself busy at work working on my Flash site and finding stuff to use for my digital scrapbook. Was hoping to finish my site this past weekend but was busy doing other stuff and well didn't manage to so will try and get it done by the end of this week.
Will try working on it a bit in the office. Won't be able to work on it at home this evening as I have a tupperware meeting but then if we don't stay late then maybe I'll do a bit.
Well I'll do a longer update later so say what's been going on in my life.
Need more rest!!!
Ok I had a relatively busy weekend. In fact it all started on the dreaded Friday the 13th!!!
Had a bit of a family emergency that well was best to have been resolved at the earliest point in time so I ended up taking emergency leave in the afternoon. It didn't take me long to resolve it but I definately wanted to resolve it at the earliest point in time to get it off my mind if you know what I mean. Luckily I managed to get it all sorted out by about 3 pm and I just decided to chill out in town for a while rather than head home. Hung out with Lien for a while at Starbucks, he was studying while I read my book then he headed off to the gym and I decided to walk around town. Ended up going to the library to see if they had anything interesting on Flash (nope) and then ended up at a internet cafe. Was there for like 45 mins then decided to head on home for dinner. Spent the rest of the night just chilling and watching tv.
My mom calls me a little half midnight (funny thing was that I think she was in her room at the time lol) anyway she reminded me that her friend's daughter was getting married the next day and she wanted me to tag along so I had to make sure we were both up by 8.30 am as the wedding was at 10.30 am and it was over in Katong (which is like a 30 min drive from my place - if there is no traffic jams). We met with a jam but managed to get to the church in time. The ceremony was a real a long one too... it was almost 2 hrs long and that's from the time the bride walked down the aisle till the time the happy couple walked out after signing the wedding certificate and lighting the wedding candle (it was a catholic wedding). After the wedding they had a buffet receiption at the church's second hall. After all that we headed on over to my mom's friend's house - Aunty Linda, who is the mother of the bride. We were there for a while chatting and then my mom needed to head off to meet her friends while I went home. My mom dropped me off at the nearest train station and I headed home. Good thing I had brought my book along with me cos it was a pretty long train ride home - just little over an hour. It was about 5 pm by the time I got home. Didn't have to cook dinner cos Aunty Linda had asked us to bring some of the leftover food from the buffet home so had that. Spent the rest of the time watching tv.
Sunday was a typical Sunday, my dad came over, I chatted with him for a while, he went home, I watched tv, used the computer (was working on some flash stuff), watched more tv, did the laundry, ate and eventually went to sleep lol.
Wish I didn't have to go for the tupperware meeting tonight cos tonight is the 2 hr final for Survivor but not to worry I'll be taping it to watch later. They're showing the 2 hr special from 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm and then the reunion show at 11 pm. Can't wait, hope either Tom or Ian win. Don't think the two girls deserve to win, guess it will all depend on who wins immunity. Will probably check the CBS website later to see the result.
Well better get back to work. Gab later
A long day
Was on leave yesterday but that was cos I had plans for a little fun time.
Met up with my bestest bud, Corinna (aka Cor), at 11.30 am. First we went to do a little shopping while we waited to meet up with another friend of ours, Lien. Once we met up with him we went for lunch. Given that Cor was visiting from Texas and Lien was back from school in New York they both wanted local food so we ended up going to a food court over by Centrepoint.
After lunch we headed over to HMV to check out the dvds there and then went to Takashimaya to meet up with Cor's hubby, Ed and their son, Ethan. Ed's sister, Tina, was with them. The whole group of us then just kidn of checked out the electrical stuff that was there, mainly cos Cor and Ed were thinking of getting this hot water airpot. Basically its this kettle that keeps the water in it hot and when it starts to get a little cool with will automatically boil the water again so you always have hot water at hand. I have one at home and they can be pretty handy. For my mom it's handy cos she can have a cup of coffee anytime of the day and straight away without having to wait for the water to boil and for me, well its handy when it comes to cooking, save time on waiting for water to boil when say cooking vegetables lol.
After hanging out there for awhile we headed downstairs to look for some snacks and met up with Yass for a while. He joined us during his break - he's a restaurant manager so has a break from like 3 pm - 6 pm. Cor, Ed, Ethan and Tina left at about 4 - 4.30 pm cos they had a family dinner to go to later than evening and well they wanted to have a little rest before that, especially Ethan. It will be a while till I see them again seeing as they're leaving to go back to the US on Saturday.
After they left, Lien, Yass & I went to do a little shopping - Lien needed to get some dress shirts for his upcoming internship. Yass had to get back to work at about 6 pm so Lien and I were left to our own devices. Actually it was more to where ever and what ever Lien wanted to do lol. We ended up going to the Apple shop to check out some of their stuff - he's an Apple fan while I've always been a Windows person, though right now if money was no object I would consider getting an Apple but only cos they are apparently the best computers to have for graphics and that and well my ultimate dream job is to be a freelance web site designer but sadly that is not the case so I'll just be as creative as I can with my currently available resources lol. After a while we ended up going for a movie but there wasn't much of a selection and ended up watching "The Assassination of Richard Nixon". I found the show a bit slow moving and a tab boring but Lien seemed to like. By the time we were out of the movie it was almost 10 pm. Headed on home after that.
Good thing I had set the vcr to record the Amazing Race cos it was the final episode. Got home to watch the second hour. I'm so sad...I really wanted Amber and Rob to win but oh well it just wasn't their luck. I think if Uchenna and Joyce had not been able to get on that flight to Miami at the last minute then it would have been a given that Rob and Amber would have won. Just their luck that they couldn't find that place in Little Havana fast enough. Oh well, that's the breaks. Wish I could join the Amazing Race, sadly not an American citizen and it's only open to American citizens.
Well it was a long, tiring but fun day and it was more exhausting to be coming back to work today but so far the day has gone by pretty fast and I only have another 3 hours of work to go.
Till my next vent....
Apologies to anyone who has been reading this blog and wondering why there has been no update well its mainly because this blog was created to let my bestest bud know what's going on in my life. YOu're probably thinking that's a weird reason and why don't we just talk to one another, well its not that easy given that she lives in Dallas, TX and I live in Singapore.
Anyway the reason I haven't been updating is cos she's here in Singapore visiting so this blog is on a sort of hiatus but will be back in full swing after this weekend given that she, her hubby and their son will be heading home to Texas.
Life has been a little dull anyway (so what's new???). Basically, I've been going to work, coming home, watching tv, eating, sleeping and occassionally going out to meet up with my bestest bud while she's in town. Work has been fun because my boss has been in and out of the office due to medical reasons (more out than in) so I've been left to my own "devices" most of the time and well I've been spending that time learning about Flash and surfing the net trying to find tutorials for Flash. Hope to start working on my new personal website once I get the hang of Flash and well let you know when it's up and ready.
Till then, have fun cos I know I am lol
Why did it have to end????
Well I've just come back from an extremely long weekend hehehe. I took leave on Friday cos these government contractors were coming round to do something to my windows (if you didn't know, I live in government housing but then practically everyone in Singapore does), and well Monday was a public holiday given that May Day landed on a Sunday. You see the law here states that if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is automatically a holiday too. So basically I had 4 days off from work and they were quite relaxing...I spent most of the time just chilling at home, watching tv and cooking meals. Just as well it was a long weekend cos I ended up having to go with my mom to the polyclinic on Saturday for her check up - she didn't remind me till Friday!
Good thing I went to sleep early on Thursday night cos I had to wake up at like 8 am to clear furniture away from the windows. Thanks to that I was able to go to bed early Friday night and get up early on Saturday. Had to wake up at 7 am cos my mom's appointment was fixed for 8.15 am. There was the usual crowd there but we managed to get through it quick enough. We got home by about 10 am. While we were there we got to know this lady called Pearlyn who was there with her son. Quite sad really cos her son was 8 and well he was born a healthy child but because he had a allergic reaction to one of the meds in his baby immunization jabs he's now mentally handicapped. He seems quite smart and that and she says he is - he apparently loves to read and won't read a book he's already read - it's just that he's not able to communicate. Seems to me that the part of his brain that controls his communication skills must have been damaged. Such a sweet kid though.
When I wasn't watching tv I was working on learning how to create a website using flash...pretty fun. Definately want to learn a bit more about Flash and get extremely familiar with it.
Oh forgot to tell you about the lunch I went for on Thursday. You see it was Secretaries Week so my boss took me out for lunch. We went with a bunch of other lawyers and their secretaries, all in all 20 of us went. We all went to this restaurant called The Line at the Shangri La Hotel. It was a buffet but I have to tell you there buffet was like wow. I've never been to a buffet like that before with so many choices. I mean the dessert counter alone had like 20 plus different kinds of dishes to choose from!!! It was mind boggling and well the food was really great too. While we were there we saw Anthoy Bourdain!!! He has a show on one of the Discovery channels. Pretty cool way to end the week I must say.
Well it's back to work now and I have some stuff to clear before my boss comes in. Will write again soon!