Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why did it have to end????

Well I've just come back from an extremely long weekend hehehe. I took leave on Friday cos these government contractors were coming round to do something to my windows (if you didn't know, I live in government housing but then practically everyone in Singapore does), and well Monday was a public holiday given that May Day landed on a Sunday. You see the law here states that if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following is automatically a holiday too. So basically I had 4 days off from work and they were quite relaxing...I spent most of the time just chilling at home, watching tv and cooking meals. Just as well it was a long weekend cos I ended up having to go with my mom to the polyclinic on Saturday for her check up - she didn't remind me till Friday!

Good thing I went to sleep early on Thursday night cos I had to wake up at like 8 am to clear furniture away from the windows. Thanks to that I was able to go to bed early Friday night and get up early on Saturday. Had to wake up at 7 am cos my mom's appointment was fixed for 8.15 am. There was the usual crowd there but we managed to get through it quick enough. We got home by about 10 am. While we were there we got to know this lady called Pearlyn who was there with her son. Quite sad really cos her son was 8 and well he was born a healthy child but because he had a allergic reaction to one of the meds in his baby immunization jabs he's now mentally handicapped. He seems quite smart and that and she says he is - he apparently loves to read and won't read a book he's already read - it's just that he's not able to communicate. Seems to me that the part of his brain that controls his communication skills must have been damaged. Such a sweet kid though.

When I wasn't watching tv I was working on learning how to create a website using flash...pretty fun. Definately want to learn a bit more about Flash and get extremely familiar with it.

Oh forgot to tell you about the lunch I went for on Thursday. You see it was Secretaries Week so my boss took me out for lunch. We went with a bunch of other lawyers and their secretaries, all in all 20 of us went. We all went to this restaurant called The Line at the Shangri La Hotel. It was a buffet but I have to tell you there buffet was like wow. I've never been to a buffet like that before with so many choices. I mean the dessert counter alone had like 20 plus different kinds of dishes to choose from!!! It was mind boggling and well the food was really great too. While we were there we saw Anthoy Bourdain!!! He has a show on one of the Discovery channels. Pretty cool way to end the week I must say.

Well it's back to work now and I have some stuff to clear before my boss comes in. Will write again soon!


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The Venter

Chinese/English female residing in sunny
Singapore with family and friends from all
walks of life, trying to make the most of
her life and have fun doing it

Known by many a name... Sandra or San
to most, Kanela to a few, and MeiBao
to others

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Howard - This and that for the here and now
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previous posts

What a weekend
It's gonna be a long weekend!
Only working 1/2 a day
Another work week begins
Message to Cor
Another day of being a human popcicle
Managed to keep myself busy
What to do?????
Woohoo No Boss!!!
An uneventful Monday

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