What a weekend
I had a nice break this past weekend. Let's see...on Saturday I went for a bike ride to Sembawang Shopping Centre to do some groccery shopping. Took me about 20 - 30 mins to get there. If I had wanted to get there any other way it would have taken me longer cos I would have had to take the train one stop and then switch to a bus. Might as well get a work out while I'm at it. It was a nice change from the place I usually go. I went in the late afternoon so that I would be in the hot sun cos it was a really hot day.
Sunday was spent relaxing at home - as per norm.
I was on leave yesterday cos I was meeting up with my bestest bud who's in town for a few weeks. She and I met up at about 11.30 am and spent most of the day shopping and talking. She headed on home at about 4.30 pm cos she had a family dinner to attend to. She's off to Thailand for about a week with her hubby & son to visit her hubby's brother. When they get back they'll be here for another 10 days and then back to Texas. It was nice meeting up with her cos we haven't seen each other for about 3 years.
Well I'm back at work again
...just wished I could afford to quit working and just spend time at home relaxing for a bit or at least to go back to school full time.
Well I better get back to work.
It's gonna be a long weekend!
Well it's Friday morning and I'm bossless again. My boss has taken the morning off which means I can surf the whole morning.
I can't wait till Monday. You see my bestest bud is coming out from Texas together with her hubby and her son and well I haven't seen them for like 3 years so it's gonna be great seeing them again, well except for her son cos I've never seen him lol he was born only last year. Anyway they arrive early tomorrow morning but I won't be seeing them till Monday. I've taken the day off so that I can spend as much time as I can with them before they head off to Thailand for about a week visiting his family then they're back here for another 10 days before heading back to Texas.
Well I'm going to go back to my surfing now...looking for Paint Shop Pro and Flash tutorials to give me something to do on the weekend lol
Only working 1/2 a day
Well I'm taking the afternoon off today. Have to rush home to meet this building contractor. You see I live in a government apartment and well they set a regulation where the rivets of certain window frames require to be changed and the contractor is coming to inspect our place this afternoon to see if we need to have our rivets changed and if so, how many they'll need to change. Hopefully, no rivets will have to be changed given that the windows I have are the ones that came with the apartment!!! i.e. government issued.
Haven't had much work to do this morning even though my boss is in lol. He's sitting in his room reading up on some arbitration stuff so there's not much for me to do.
Can't wait till this weekend though cos my bestest bud is back in town. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet up with her on Monday afternoon. I'm hoping to take the day off, have to ask my boss but will do that tomorrow. He's normally ok and I don't see anything on in his diary.
Ok I've got about 2 hrs left of work so I might as well get on working on my sister's site and try and post it for her review before I leave today.
Another work week begins
Well it's Monday again...didn't really do much this weekend except bum around lol...I know I know I lead a boring life...I was either watching tv, playing games on the computer or learning how to use Flash. Hopefully I'll learn how to use Flash in a lot of ways and create some nice banners, sites and other stuff using it. Would be handy as web site design is one of my dream jobs...actually my ultimate dream job is website designer/domestic engineer lol in other words I'd like to be a website designer who works from home...especially if I have kids...though that aspect of the job doesn't seem to be in the near future lol.
In the meatime, I'm going to be staying at my current job (secretary in a law firm) and learn as much as I can on anything and everything related to website design. I'm already pretty good at html and I'm really getting the hand of using css and now I'm learning Flash.
Well I'm going to work on my sister's site now...thought of a better way of presenting it this morning and want to try it out...just need to create some graphics first.
Message to Cor
Hello have you been reading our gossip blog??? My sis had a favor to ask...it's posted there...didn't get a response.
Another day of being a human popcicle
Yes another day, another work week is over and done with. It was another "freezing" day in the office...I suprised I don't get sick given the dramatic changes in weather I have to experience...cool temps in the office (about 15C/59F) to the warm temp outside (30C/86F). Today it's been extra cold for some unknown reason...I mean my toes are frozen and I'm wearing sneakers!!!!!!
OK enough about that...the funny thing is I actually like winter but maybe because in winter you'd wear appropriate clothing but here you can't do that...I mean you'd look like a total dork wearing winter gloves and what not while working in an office in Singapore especially seeing as we don't even have winter here!!!!
Well spent the day either surfing the net or working on my sister's Tupperware site. Worked on forms today...don't normally have to do forms so had to make sure every thing was working correctly.
Another 10 mins and I'm out of here...heading on home to relax in front of the tv...woohoo Survivor!!! and sleep hehehe...strange thing happened last night...I went to bed at about 11 pm which is especially strange for me given that I normally go to sleep at about 12 mn/1am I guess the two late nights the nights before took their toll - I had been up till about 3 am on both nights.
Ok I'm off like a dirty shirt!!! :D
Managed to keep myself busy
Sorry for not putting in another entry yesterday but I actually managed to keep myself busy...spent most of the day working on the template for my sister's Tupperware site. Though it's a simple template I decided to use a style sheet so that the rest of the pages would be easy to format and also so that when I have to edit something or if my sister wants to edit anything it wouldn't be that difficult for her cos she knows nuts about HTML. Took me a while because I've never used style sheets before and I didn't even have my fave html reference book with me so really had to take time out every now and then and search the net for help.
Once I was done with that I started surfing the net trying to find tutorials and templates for Flash. Want to start learning that, especially on creating a photo album slideshow thingy for my home page. Have yet to find anything really nice but the hunt will continue today...wished I could make a living doing this i.e. searching for stuff on the net for the simple non-techie person and creating websites too...as for websites I'm not as creative as some other people are and there's still tonnes of stuff for me to learn...right now I'm trying to work on getting myself fluent in the use of style sheets and working/creating with Flash, after that I want to learn about Dreamweaver and javascript though javascript might be a bit of a mute point but hey you never know.
Ok I'm off to get myself a cup of tea and then start the search for Flash stuff.
What to do?????
Well I've started another day at work with nothing to do...well nothing work wise that is...I spent most of yesterday surfing the web, working on my sister's site and trying out the added tools available at bravenet, which is where we intend to host my sister's site.
Wanted to work on creating some CSS files for my and my sister's website (advanced form of html sort of) but unfortunately my fave html guide book is with my friend so I was looking on the net for some tutorial guides...found one quite good unfortunately when you print it out it comes out looking quite "busy" cos of all the ads on it... well probably download the page and modify it so the ads are gone or try and find another site. In the meantime, I've brought my books on javascript and flash...seeing as I have free time I thought I'd finally get round to learning about those two. Well off to be creative.
Woohoo No Boss!!!
Well another free day at the office for me cos my boss is on leave. I'm gonna work on my home page and also work on one that my sis wants for her tupperware lol.
Will write again later.
An uneventful Monday
Well I had an extremely free day today given that my boss didn't come in but then I think I said that already. Spent most of the day either surfing the web or working on my home page...typical me, I spent a lot of time on one thing for my website and making sure if came out just right. Good thing my boss is not coming in for the next few days hehehe that gives me time to work on it again hehehehe.
Well I've got 30 mins to go and then I'm off for my weekly Tupperware dealer meeting...yes I am a Tupperware dealer but only really in name and to keep my sis company lol. If anyone is interested in buying Tupperware from Singapore just let me know lol
Ugh! Another work week begins
Well the weekend is over and the work week has begun...lucky for me my boss has decided to take the day of which means I have a day of doing pretty much nothing so I'm going to work on finishing up my home page and if that doesn't take me all day well then I'll tidy up my desk, it's gotten a little messy especially in the drawers.
Didn't do much over over the weekend except watch tv lol
Egg Mayonaise
Had a pretty event free afternoon yesterday mainly cos my boss never came back from lunch lol...Spent the afternoon working on my homepage (or rather the graphics I want to use on it...can't find nice navigation buttons or a cool logo graphic...will spent some time today looking for stuff and try and spend time working on the rest of the site so that I can just load everything up straight away as soon as I get the graphics sorted out.
Got home yesterday evening and had my dinner and watched tv (as per norm). Woohoo The Amazing Race was on...so sad the brothers got eliminated...woohoo Rob & Amber are still in it...have to admit they are doing good...they are the only team to have come first in more than one leg...in fact they've done it 3 times already. During the commercial breaks I was making my lunch for today...decided to have egg mayonaise sandwiches...did it a bit differently from what I would normally do (though I haven't made egg mayonaise in like ages)...I boiled 2 eggs and well instead of just cutting them up like most people would do I actually used my masher lol and mixed in the mayo and well it came out a nice consistency. Wish I had a food processor/mini blender/chopper thingy (can't remember what you actually call it lol). I'd use that instead of the masher and even use that for my tuna mayo...apparently that's what my dad does. Will consider getting one if I can get a small one cheap...no point in getting a big expensive one if I'm only going to use it for my sandwich fillings lol...wonder if my mom has one stowed away in our store room...must check.
Well going to do some proper work (as opposed to my play work lol).
Stupid AIM
Ok just wanted to say that the AIM has official gone nuts...I'm logged on and my friend tells me I'm not...we were messaging using MSN..but when I logged out and logged back into AIM it worked fine but after a short while he wasn't getting my messages again...dumb dumb dumb...I guess I'll have to stick to the MSN messenger for contact with the "outside" world...sad thing is my bestest bud has problems with her MSN messenger....suggest she try using the web version that I use...just get a MSN passport id, you can register using your yahoo email addy, I know this cos I helped a friend do that.
Back to the grind I go
Not a single fax!!!
Well's not 3.05pm and well I haven't done a single fax the whole day...I did a little work before lunch, amended a report, sent out a couple of emails and printed out a couple of emails but that's about it. Spent the rest of the time trying to figure out how to make my home page really groovy...want to make it pretty funky but having trouble coming up with something that's funky but not hard on the eyes...still contemplating...well let you know when it's up and running...hopefully before the end of the week.
I'm counting down the days till my bestest bud comes to visit...can't wait to see her and her cute baby boy - her blog is linked...not sure how long she'll be here for, she forgot to mention it lol (hint hint).
Well I'm gonna go to the loo (yes I have to give as much details as possible without being disgusting) and then I'm gonna make myself a cup of Milo (for those who don't know, it's like Ovalatine) and then back to working on my homepage...hmm maybe I'll go with a hawaiian theme of sorts or maybe a surfing theme seeing as I like surfers (especially Kelly Slater) and my nick is my real name in Hawaiian lol.
Lunch time chats
Just thought I'd put up a post to show my friend Julie how my blogger works. Plus I wanted to try adding a pic to an entry, can't do it the way blogger tells you to do it because their software isn't able to get through my office firewall
- curse the office firewall!!!!
Ok I've tried and well this place just doesn't allow you to link photos and I can't upload them using the Hello system so I guess I will have to load them up at my home page and just put a link to them but that's a whole other entry.
Start of a new week
Well it's Monday morning and the start of another work week. My weekend was pretty relaxed, spent all of Saturday at home watching tv and playing computer games and then had to wake up early Sunday morning to go to the cemetery because it was the first weekend of Ching Ming which is like a Chinese festival for the dead where you go and pay your respects to your deceased family members. This also happens to be the month of my grandfather’s death anniversary so we sort of killed two birds with one stone. Left the house at about 8 am and didn’t get back till about 11 am. Most of the time was cos of traveling on public transport (nobody in my immediate family drives). Plus we got caught in a jam on the way to the cemetery but then that’s to be expected because tons of other people will be doing the same thing. We were the first in the family to arrive but my uncles and aunts were not far behind. They all have further to travel as they live in the eastern part of the island (yes I live on an island) while we live in the north and the cemetery is sort of in the north west.
Once we were done there we headed on home and well I basically spent the rest of the day relaxing by watching tv. They showed Miss Congeniality on the tv last night so that was a nice movie to watch. I spent most of the weekend relaxing because of the muscle aches I’d been having in my shoulders and neck and I’m happy to say that the aches and stiffness has gone and hopefully won’t return any time soon. Ok well I have to get back to work now. Hoping to have another quiet day in the office today.
A New Beginning…
Well blogwise that is. Used to have my blog at another site but seeing as my best friend’s blog is on this site and this looks like a pretty user friendly looking blog site I thought I’d relocate.
I thought I’d call this blog “Ventilation Space” out of tribute to the old blog which was “ventilation update”. Well let’s face it, most people use a journal/blog as a form of release aka a place to vent so I figured that would be a pretty appropriate name for a blog.
I’ve had a pretty uneventful day today given that my boss decided not to come into the office lol. He messaged me this morning to say that he didn’t think he’d be coming in and well it’s now 4.45 pm and I haven’t or heard from him since which is fine by me. Given that I had cleared all my work the last few days I spent the day chatting with friends on MSN, playing a game or two, checking emails and surfing the web. It’s just a quiet relaxing Friday at the office; thank goodness Fridays are dress down days for us so I’m quite comfortable in my jeans, polo and sneakers.
Another 1 hr and 15 mins and I’ll be heading home to chill out and watch some tv. Survivor’s on tonight so I’ll be looking forward to that. Feel so sorry for Ulong cos they try and try but still end up losing. Right now my faves are Stephanie, Ian, Tom and Bobby Jon. If you’re not a Survivor fan you wouldn’t have a clue. Used to like Jeff (not the host) but sadly he injured himself and asked to be voted off.
Well I’m gonna end here and go and get myself a hot drink and surf some more till quitting time.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!