Rain aka Bi
His music stage name is Bi or Rain (Rain is basically the English translation of the Korean word Bi). He usually uses his real name for his acting credentials - Jeong Ji Hoon.
Buzz Buzz wanted to know what he really looked like so here are a couple of nice pics for your viewing pleasure...

Here are a couple of gif clips that are taken from "Full House" that I find really cute...
the first one is from scene where he was having yet enough fight between him and his "contract" wife - watch the show to know the full story - and sometimes he's just so childish, hence the tongue. In the second one he was waiting for his "contract" wife to come home after having dinner with her publisher (who is his old friend and happens to be interested in his "contract" wife) and he was supposed to be pretending to be a ghost saying her name when suddenly a cat screeched out of nowhere and gave him a bit of scare hahaha - watch the show and you'll know what I mean...it's really fun cos straight after that he makes a mad dash back into the house.
Law Society Bowling Tournament
Got roped into representing the firm in the annual Law Society bowling tournament. This is the second year I've been asked to join. I was on the second team. We bowled pretty high but unfortunately there were other teams that bowled way better than we did.
We had training last Thursday and well my average has definately gone up. We bowled 4 games and my scores were 146, 123, 128 and 154 which means my average was 137. I used to average around 100 - 110. Looks like as I get older I bowl better hahaha.
Can't really compare the scores from today's tournament because it was a 9 pin tap format which basically means if you knock down 9 pins on the first throw of each frame it's considered a strike but to get a spare you have to get all 10 pins down in 2 throws. My scores (if memory serves me right) were 158, 122, 136 and 136. There were a few strikes mixed in there somewhere.
My team ended up coming 11th out of 16 teams and I came in 13th out of 28 females. At least me got a souvenier - a stainless steel coffee mug, kind of like the ones you get from Starbucks but with "The Law Society of Singapore" on it instead lol.
But never mind it was all in fun.
Got a new hair style
Ok so I went over to JB this morning and apart from doing some shopping, I also got a new haircut. My whole purpose of going to JB was actually to get my contact lens. I usually go over there to get it because it is so much cheaper than at home. A box of monthly disposals costs me RM50 (S$21) while it costs me S$50 a box at home!!!
While I was there I decided to check out prices for haircuts and I ended up going to a chain we have in Singapore called Reds. It cost me RM45 (S$20) whereas it would cost me about S$40. I liked the stylist because he asked me what I wanted and then also gave me his recommendations. I was also thinking of dying my hair which would of cost me a further RM50 but decided against it though I may go back for highlights.
Here's a pic of my new haircut...Took this pic when I get back so it still looks nice and neat because they blow dried it straight but it don't look that way now thanks to my natural curls...gotta get some stuff to control them darn curls...

I just love going shopping in JB because stuff is so much cheaper there. I got a bunch of celeb stickers at like RM2.50 a sheet, as well as a couple of magazines. Also had my lunch there at Genki Sushi which cost me like RM20 (it would normally cost me S$20 for the same stuff in Singapore).
The only things that aren't worth buying over there are CDs and sometimes DVDs. Sometimes you're lucky enough to get DVDs there cheaper (not the pirated kind mind you) but CDs are definately a lot more expensive there.
I saw some Korean comics that I like (though they were in Chinese) and I'm still debating on getting them even though I can't really read Chinese but I'd be getting them more for collectors' reasons and hey they were only RM4.50 a book!! I haven't seen them here but I know comics of that like are usually about S$8!!
Another thing that is definately worth it there is going for manicures and pedicures. I got a French manicure (but due to some unforeseen circumstances it was ruined later that day) for RM38. It would normally cost about S$35 at home.
Maybe I'll go back next week and get the comics and another manicure hehehehe. Regular manicures are like RM28.
New "baby" and Rain
Went and got my new mp3 player during lunch. Creative was having an offer on the Zen Neeon and it was really a steal. They were selling the 6GB version for only S$149 (usually S$339) which means you're getting more than 50% discount!!! It's the same as my recently "deceased" Neeon except it's 6GB instead of 5GB. This time round I opted to take the purple one - I had grey before. Here's how it looks.

I also picked up a copy of Rain's 4th Korean album "Rain's World" hehehe it came with a free double sided poster. This is the album cover, which happens to be one side of the poster.

This is the other side...

If I put this poster up in my room, I'd probably put this side up.
He's coming to Singapore but his tickets are really expensive so I'll give it a miss. Which I could go though cos I've seen some clips of it and it's really good but oh well, I'll just watch the clips of it in the comfort of my own home...no need to deal with screaming crazy fans (if I went I'd be screaming but not to the point where I would be doing more screaming and "swooning" that I don't actually see the concert and enjoy the songs hahahaha)
Dying and Cutting...
Thinking of going for a haircut next month while I'm clearing my leave. Will probably head over to JB to do it cos it'll be a bit cheaper. Also thinking of colouring my hair - mainly cos of those pesky white ones that keep appearing. Want to keep it as natural as possible and thought of going for a darker chocolate then what I have already or maybe should I go for like a rich auburn, not sure yet.
Buzz Buzz - any comments on hair colour and style given that you know me best?
Thought of going for a shoulder length bob cut which I think would look ok given my wavy/curly hair and just get them to thin it out a bit.
Hailglitter - if you happen to read this your comments would be much appreciated too.
In Memory of...

A "tragic" accident took place near my home while heading to work...my precious "baby" Neeon took a tumble while trying to unravel itself from itself from its "siamese twin" Headphone and landed quite awkwardly on the hard cement floor resulting in Neeon being in a comatose state. While Neeon's "heart" seems to be beating, it seems to be "brain dead" and seems to be only capable of showing either a blank expression or a "creative" expression on its face. Numerous attempts have been made to return Neeon to its pre-accident condition but sadly these have all been unsuccessful. Life support has been removed and Neeon was allowed to leave this world peacefully into mp3 player heaven.
Headphone was successfully removed from it's siamese twin, Neeon, and will now have to continue on alone until it finds another best friend - which will hopefully appear in the next couple of weeks.
Neeon you have been a very precious baby who has travelled far and wide with me and will be greatly missed (even after you've been replaced).
Love always,
your "mummy"
Yes I am still alive...
just been a little swamped with work and stuff that's all.
Actually work has been pretty busy so when I'm at home I tend to just vegetate in front of the telly with my Korean dramas hahahaha.
Nothing much else has been going on in my life except for the fact that I got baptised on 28 October 2006 and I've managed to locate one of my old friends from when I lived in Hong Kong, Rex...believe it or not but I found him through a google search hahahaha. He was one of the bartenders at the HRC in Kowloon and was also like a brother to me and one of my drinking friends :) He's currently working in China. I've only managed to get one email from him but I think he must be busy with work cos he's apparently a GM over there - I'm assuming of a restaurant but then I could be wrong. He did leave his number though so I could always try and give him a call one of these days. Wonder if he's changed much?