Recipe for Love
Saw this in this week's 8 Days (a local magazine). It was actually part of an article of a local celeb and this is her recipe for love. Thought it was nice so thought I'd put it here (modified slightly).
IngredientsOne large bowl of respect, character
a dash of childishness to enjoy life's infantile pleasures
14 tablespoons of romanticism
a pinch of insanity
two overflowing cups of gentleness
one brimming teaspoon of empathy
2198 gm of humor
30 ml of spontaneity
a wallop of wit, cheekiness and candour
a whole lot of sprinkling of love to share
Instructionsbake well with the warmth of your heart
Just your typical day
Yup it was just a typical work day...busy. Luckily though I didn't have to stay late and managed to leave the office at about 6.10 pm.
Today was Adam's 13th birthday. In case you don't know, Adam is my nephew. Called him in the afternoon to wish him happy birthday. Meet my sis on the way home in the evening and well it would seem that Adam's getting into some trouble at school/home these days. For some things, all I can say is that he's just being a typical adolesent but for other things well I really can understand the problem my sis has - he just doesn't seem to realise or think about the things he says or does before he says or does them and also he's more interested in playing games then in school work, it's a pity cos he's a pretty bright kid. I think one of the reasons why my sister's form of discipline doesn't see to work is that it tends to come across as nagging and well as a typical kid he just switches off...I know cos I used to be the same whenever my mom scolded me when I was grewing up. My sis doesn't get it cos she didn't used to get told off. Supposed to be having a birthday celebration for him this Saturday evening, maybe I'll see if I can get a chance to talk to him quietly about this.
Once I got home I kind of just spent the next 3 hours watching the last 3 episodes of one of my Korean dramas - Full House - this has got to be one of my faves, and not just cos of the lead actor who happens to be Bi aka Rain, who I think is a total babe lol. I just find the story line and the characters cute. Won't bother going into to much detail about the story but you can always get some info on different Korean dramas at
Idols Unlimited which offers synposes as well as downloads. Pretty good site I reckon.
Well I'm gonna play a game or two and then hit the sack.
Happy Easter!
Crashed pretty early last night - was out like a light at about 11.30 pm. Woke up bright and early at 9 am this morning to watch a little tv before getting ready to head on to church. Met my dad at about 10.30 am at the bus stop and then walked over to church for the 11 am. We were a little early but that's ok cos that means we get to pick the good seats hahaha.
Terena joined us at about 11.30 am, just at the end of the worship service and just before the sermon. I really enjoy listening to the sermons our pastor gives because he tries to put them in every day terms and experiences so that we can all relate, he also as a little humor now and again. As usual we were out of church at about 1 pm. My dad headed on home while Terena and I headed over to the nearby food court to grab some lunch and a chat cos we hadn't seen each other in about a fortnight.
I got home and spent the rest of the day relaxing by watching tv or surfing/downloading stuff from the net lol. Boy am I glad to reinstate my internet service at home and I'm really happy with my new service provider cos it is so much faster than my previous one and I've had no problems with it, so far and hopefully it stays that way for a long time to come.
I can't believe I just spent 12 hrs in the office on a Saturday!
Well I just got back and yes you read right, I just spent the last 12 hours in the office. Reported to work at 8 am (which meant getting up at 6.30 am), had an one hour breakfast cum lunch break at about 10.30 am and spent the rest of the time working on a report with my boss (at least we suffered together hahaha)
Well I'm gonna have a quick shower and vegetate in front of the tv. Not sure if there's anything on but even if there is it, it's ok...I'll just watch a Korean drama hahahahaha
Will write more tomorrow!
Food poisoning
Been out of commission for the last couple of days. It all began on Wednesday afternoon at about 3 pm. Was in the office and started to feel all achy and sore and started to feel really cold, cold to the point that I was shivering. Managed to last out the rest of the work day and then headed on home. By the time I got home I was running a fever and feeling weak. Decided not to eat anything and took some meds to get rid of the fever. Bundled myself up, turned the fan on low and got under the quilt. Started to sweat after a while and didn't feel so warm but the pesky thermometer said I was still running a fever. Still felt a bit ill and my stomach was kind of bloated and sore. Pretty much just laid in bed watching tv and drinking water.
At about 11 pm, I had a little "face to face" session with the toilet bowl. Shalt go into detail but I sure did feel a lot better after that little session. Tried to get to sleep early but still had an uncomfortable feeling and low and behold I had another "face to face" session at about 1 am. Felt way better after that, tummy was no longer bloated or sore. Now all I had was the dumb fever and the aches and pains from the 2 sessions.
I'm still trying to figure out what it was that made me sick cos all I had on Wednesday was a cup of tea in the morning, and then for lunch it was a coke, 2 muffins (one chocolate, one chocolate chip) and a can of soya bean. I'm thinking it was either the muffins or the soya bean. Will never know.
Woke up the next day at about 7 am and was totally beat so I had no choice but to call my boss up at home (good thing I had the number on my cellphone cos he'd switched his cell off) and asked for urgent leave. I explained that I had mild food poisoning. He said it was ok though I could sense that he kind of needed me to be in the office. Told him if he really needed me to come in then I would. He said it was alright and that I should rest. Spent the whole day pretty much lying in bed, drinking water, napping here and there, watching tv, and being bugged by my mom. Got a message from my boss in the afternoon saying that we needed to finish a report by Saturday so I would need to go into the office today. Made sure I went to bed early last night and felt tons better in the morning though not 100%.
Before you ask, no I did not go to the docs but that was only cos the nearest company docs is like 20 mins away (right by my sis' house) and I'd have to take 2 buses to get there...not a wise idea in my weakened state. Much preferred to stay home and rest.
Haven't really eaten much over the last two days. Had a couple of slices of toast and a bit of rice and veg yesterday, and managed to have a bowl of vegetable soup today but the rest of the time all I've had is liquids. Have to go back into the office again early tomorrow to finish the report. Was in there from 9 am till 2 pm and we still have half of the report to finish
. So much for enjoying my long weekend.
Will have to try and get to sleep early again today given that my boss wants to start at 8 am which means I have to leave the house by 7 am
Well I'm off to vegetate in front of the tv...hehehe one of my fave Taiwan guys is gonna be on later...gonna drool over him hahahaha...Wang Shaowei, wo ai ni....hahaha like a teenage schoolgirl.
Webbing from home
I'm such a happy camper right's been a while (I think almost a year) but I've finally gotten internet access back at main reason for cancelling the service was cos I was doing a lot of surfing at the office and not at home but paying for it every month lol...reason for hooking it up again...I want to download my Korean/Japanese/Taiwanese dramas and I can't do that at the office lol.
Another good thing is that I should be able to keep this blog updated on a more regular basis lol.
Well I'm off in search of some shows...will definately write more tomorrow!