Missing satay man!
It was once again time for a monthly Litigation Department Chill Out tea. New "concept" being paid for by the partners in the department. Supposed to be used to encourage interaction between the lawyers, secretaries and support staff in the department but as usual that doesn't really happen, sure there will be interaction amongst the lawyers, interaction amongst the secretaries and support staff but no interaction amongst say the lawyers and secretaries. Best part is this time round practically none of the partners attended!!! I don't expect my boss to attend cos he's not really into these kind of things plus he's on a diet (well supposed to be - he's like the asian Indian version of Santa Claus hahaha). Apparently the budget for this shingding is supposed to be about $500 - $600 and it's divided between 2 partners each time. I'd have to say that this month's was a total disaster!
For starters, rather than catering the tea, the decided to go with "hand-picked" menu items. Basically they ordered curry puffs (potato and sardine), fish balls and soon kuen. There was supposed to a satay man serving up fresh satay but he didn't show up till like 5.45 pm!!! (The tea was supposed to start at 4.30 pm) If you wanted to get the satay, you'd have to wait for him to finish setting up his little bbq, get the fire going and then cook the satay...in other words, you'd be having it after 6 pm which is after quitting time - no thanks. He apparently was also the supplier of the mee siam. Luckily for me I don't like mee siam so shall just forgo on having the satay.
Well it's 6 pm, which means it's quitting time and I'm off to meet my sis and then head on home to get ready to watch Survivor: Gutamala!!! Woohoo the return of Survivor.
Been wanting to post
I've been wanting to post an entry since Monday but I've been so swamped with work that I just haven't had the time. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this entry before my boss comes back from lunch. We both had to work through lunch so both had a late lunch. I just grabbed a sandwich from the cafe downstairs. Not sure where he's gone but then I don't really care hahaha no boss means no work hahaha.
Ok let's try and recap the weekend...I spent Friday evening and the whole of Saturday chillin' at home (so what else is new). Actually I had been feeling a little under the weather and well I knew I was going to have a long day on Sunday so thought it would be best to take it easy. As for Sunday, well I went to church with my dad as usual. Terena and Sharmeen met us there. After church, Terena, Sharmeen and I headed over to Bishan to grab some lunch which we ate at Terena's place - or rather it's her aunt's place but that's where she lives. After lunch we headed over to MacRitchie Reservoir. There's this treetop walk that we wanted to go to. MacRitchie is not that far from Bishan, in fact is was like a 10 -15 mins bus ride but we kind of took our time leaving Bishan that we didn't get to MacRitchie till like 3.45 pm. We soon found out that the treetop walk closes at 5 pm and according to the map it was like a 2 hr walk there so we decided to walk around the reservoir instead. Happened to have my camera with me so we took a few pics...

Me before we started walking
Sharmeen and Terena
While we were walking around we saw this turtle - nothing special but when we went up to it all these other turtles started swiming over to us. Here's a collage of pics I took of the turtles.

Terena decided to try and get in close to take a pic with them but they all started to swim away hahaha. They only seemed to that when she tried to get closer cos they didn't do it when Sharmeen and I moved in closer hahaha.

While we were taking pictures Terena asked this guy if he knew where the treetop walk was and how far away it was. He said it was only like 20 mins away so we thought we had enough time to get there and headed in that direction - by this time it was about 4.20 pm. Just as we started the hike (and I mean hike) we saw a sign that said it was like 4 kms away!!! There was no way I was walking 4 kms in 20 mins, I mean it used to take me longer than that to run 2.4 kms. In the end it took us almost an hour and we didn't even make it all the way. We ended up stopping with 1 km to go. If you're wondering why we stopped, easy, it was 5 pm and the place was closed. We were too tired to make the long trek back to where we started but discovered another route which turned out to be way faster only difference was the first route was through the rain forest so it was a nature hike and started at MacRitchie Reservoir while the other was along a road that went from Upper Thompson Road to the Singapore Island Country Club hahaha. We're thinking of trying again and given that we now know a quicker route will use that going up and use the nature hike going down. Also we're not going to wait till so late to go hahaha. Along the way down the road we saw some interesting things. First we saw a couple of monkeys - I think they were mecques. After that we saw a kampong and then we saw these plants that huge leaves. Just check out the pics below.

Was too tired to do anything else after that so I headed on home and cooked up a big batch of pasta. In fact I cooked so much that I had enough left over for lunch the next day hahaha.
Since that weekend I've just been busy with some work and then just heading on home tuckered out. Oh yeah I had a problem with my cellphone. It seems my number was cloned! Don't ask me how cos I have no clue but someone was making calls using my number. The only reason why I noticed was because they managed to exceed my alloted free airtime. Now I'm a person who uses my sms more than making calls so I don't normally exceed my allotment. I thought this was weird so I asked for a detailed bill and saw alot of numbers that I didn't recognise. Best part was there were quite a number of calls made in Singapore while I was away in Hong Kong!!! So I gave a call to my service provider and they said that it is possible that my number had been cloned and asked if I had any proof I was away. Told them that they should be able to tell given that I had sent quite a few messages while I was in Hong Kong and also I had made one callback call to my sis. They said they need some other proof just to ensure that the Hong Kong messages and calls were made by me, so I suggested showing them my passport. That was good enough for them and so they're gonna credit me the excess charge that was incurred and also I asked for my cellphone number to be changed cos I was getting a couple of calls from people who were looking for the creep who had cloned my number.
Other than all this stuff happening to me the last couple of days I've been busy with work - barely have time to drink let alone visit the "loo" - and evenings have been spent at home.
Future happenings - gonna watch Survivor tonight. This new season should be interesting mainly cos of the location. Can't wait for The Amazing Race to start in a couple of weeks, it's gonna be a family edition, that should be interesting but can't understand why people would want to bring their little kids along. I mean it's not an easy game for adults to handle, can't imagine how it would be for kids.
Right have to go now cos work is a calling. Vent soon!
Updates galore
Actually I think that's a bit exaggerated but never mind hahaha. Ok let's see what been going on the last week or so. Well other than the norm, I've been having my usual "chats" with TGOT. We tend to get quiet over the weekends but during the week we trade msgs a couple of times a day.
SundayAs usual, went to church with my dad. We went for the 11 am service, and Terena met us there. After church, Terena and I headed over to Toa Payoh to meet up with our friend Sharmeen. We originally had planned to go over to MacRitchie Reservoir for a walk. Apparently they have this path called the Canopy Walk over there so we thought we go and have a look. Unfortunately it was raining by the time Terena and I came out of church at 1 pm so we decided to go to Toa Payoh for lunch and a walk around. There were some interesting finds there. Came across a shop called Song & Song (no typo) and they had a lot of clothes going for like S$5, S$7 and S$10. Been to a couple of their other outlets before. They tend to carry stuff that seems to be like factory rejects or maybe excess stock. Sometimes you can find Old Navy and Gap stuff there which is pretty cool given that we don't have that here. I didn't buy anything though cos I'd just gotten a pair of Old Navy denim shorts from a different outlet the week before. They only cost me S$7. We walked around Toa Payoh till about 6 pm and then Terena and Sharmeen headed to Orchard for some more shopping and happy hour while I headed on home.
The past weekHeard a bit of gossip from my friend Suinsy on Monday evening while I was on my way to the Tupperware dealers meeting with my sis - yes I'm a Tupperware dealer, so if you'd like to order something let me know. Apparently she saw TGOT last Friday evening over at Bugis, he was with a girl - I'm not terribly concerned given that I know he has a number of female friends. Anyways, Suinsy said when she walked past them they were standing side by side at a corner and the girl was on the phone, when she turned back to have another look, he had his hand on the small of her back. Now it's difficult for me to say that this girl is his girlfriend, though Suinsy thinks it is - sorry but a guy having his hand on the small of a girl's back does not make him her boyfriend. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for it. It was probably nothing.
Oh, had a slightly odd dream on Monday night... I dreamt I was with Sharon (a friend from work) and well we were walking along this road and we seemed to be in this area with some houses and some open fields. There's like a country club ahead and we're walking in that direction. We're talking as we walk and she was saying something like how she felt a bit like a third wheel and that maybe she shouldn't of come (seems we're meeting someone - a guy at this country club). I tell her it's no big deal, after all it's just [insert TGOT's name] and he and I are just friends. She continues on by saying "are you sure it's only that?" and I'm saying that "sure I wouldn't mind if it was something more but I'm just happy to be his friend, and I'm glad that our friendship is as strong as it is". By this time we've reached the country club and TGOT is standing there waiting for us - apparently he's been playing tennis. The scene then jumps to a night club and I'm there with TGOT. There seems to be some special function/party going on because all they're selling is beer, different types of beer. Anyway this part of the dream starts off with us going into this night club together and then we're at this little bar area. He's sat at the bar and I'm standing just in front of him talking to a couple of girls, one of whom looks like Elisabeth. While we're talking, a couple of TGOT's friends show up and we all say "hey". While I'm talking to the girls TGOT suddenly grabs my hand. I turn back to look at him and ask him "what's up?" and he says "nothing, just felt like holding your hand" and then smiles. I just respond with an "oh ok" and then turn back to talk to the girls...and yes he's still holding my hand and then I wake up shortly after that.
I mentioned this dream to TGOT but didn't tell him who the guy was though. He asked me what I thought would happen if that guy held my hand in real life. I answered I'd probably go with the flow and find out what was up later on when we had the chance to talk - after all a night club is not a good place for such conversations – and be pleasantly surprised.
Told Elisabeth about what Suinsy told me and we had a chat about it on Tuesday evening. She's inclined to agree with me that this can't be his girlfriend given the very place they were at. Bugis is one of his fave hangouts, mainly cos he lives near there, and well we figured that any girl who was going out with TGOT would prefer not to go somewhere he's known to hang out for "fear" of bumping into some of his fans who may go psycho on her hahahaha. Besides, if she was his girlfriend well then the only thing I can say is, hope he's happy and hope she's good to and for him. As long as I can still be a friend of sorts to him I'll be happy, ever having the possibility of going out with him will be considered as a bonus! Even told Elisabeth about the dream. She said maybe I've just got TGOT on my mind. She could be right but then I've never dreamt of him before and I would of thought I'd always have him on my mind given that he's always sending msgs late at night lol.
Nothing much else happened the rest of the work except for me going to work, chatting with TGOT and coming home. Not been feeling the last couple of days. It started out with a slight headache which thankfully didn't stay too long but I've also been feeling a tad tired. Yesterday I woke up with a slightly sore throat, and feeling a little "bleh". Feel better today but didn't sleep very well last night, kept on waking up and I think it's caused my sinus to act up cos I'm sneezing or maybe I'm coming down with the flu!!! No!!! I don't want the flu!! Shall take it easy this weekend, especially tomorrow!
Well that's the end of the update.
Oh yeah a friend sent me a link to this website with some cute animation on it...you've got to check it out. It's called
Choppy's Home.
Be prepared!
Just to let you know, I will be doing an update tomorrow given that my boss is off to Bangkok for 3 days (I can just hear you now saying..."Again??!!") so I will have plenty of time to do a nice long update though it probably won't be that too long, all depends on whether I remember every thing lol...getting old, memory fading!!
Did a bit more "tweaking"
Felt the new look was a little too cluttered so I've done some tweaking and added a bit more. So what do you think? Does it look better? Of course this would only apply to those who actually saw the earlier version lol. I actually have things to blog about but just want to get all the tweaking out of the way. There will still be a bit more tweaking but it will be "cosmetic" stuff like adding some javascript effects and what not.
What do you think about my new look
Ok I've changed the look of my blog...so what do you think? I'll probably tweak it from time to time. Let me have your comments and then I can start a tweaking.