Monday, August 29, 2005

Anti-stalking tactics seem to be working

Last Friday I met up with this girl Elisabeth. Now this was the first time I was meeting her but I had chatted with her before over on Moblog - she chats with TGOT too and that's where it all started from.

Anyway we were supposed to go for this short story or poetry recital at one of the bars along Orchard but she was late so we had already missed half of it by the time she arrived so we ended up going for coffee and a chat at Starbuckies.

We talked a bit about ourselves and of course the topic of TGOT came up. She says she met him before he was on the show through a friend who works at the same place he does but her main method of communication with him is via the moblog chat. She was telling me that she's not really interested in him in any romantic way (hooray for me) but only as a friend. I told her that I was interested in him in a romantic way but would be just as happy to be his friend. She was a little surprised that I was interested in him that way because it didn't come across in the chats I had with him. She was telling me that she had asked TGOT out for coffee a couple of times but he always says he's too busy whereas I have been able to meet him twice now albeit just to pass stuff but at least that's more than her lol. She believes he has the wrong impression of her and thinks that she's interested in him therefore not interested in meeting her whereas with me he thinks I just wanna be friends...proof that my anti-stalking techniques are working hehehe.


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The Venter

Chinese/English female residing in sunny
Singapore with family and friends from all
walks of life, trying to make the most of
her life and have fun doing it

Known by many a name... Sandra or San
to most, Kanela to a few, and MeiBao
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I met TGOT
I survived Hong Kong
Hong Kong here I come!
Suggestions for a new name...
Definition of "borderline obese"
Why can't we have 3 day weekends???
Aw crap
An age and a day...
Need more rest!!!
A long day

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